The Founder
Mr. B. Sanyasi Rao-The Founder of the Chaitanya Institute for the Learning Disabled, Kothavalasa, Dist Vizianagaram, is a well educated, kind hearted and sobre person, hails from a small near by Village of Kothavalasa. He is a professionally trained person in the “National Institute for the Mentally Handicapped (NIMH) Hyderabad, Govt of India, in the subject of providing Special Education, and Special Care” n” Cure to the Disabled Children.
Aim and Goal of the Organization
The main aim is to empower the Mentally Retarded and the Hearing Impaired children with the required ability through Special Education, special skills training and Special Vocational Training for earning their livelihood and lead as normal a life equal to the other members of the community.
Chaitanya Institute in the Beginning Stage
The Chaitanya Institute for the Learning Disabled was established in the year 1996 at Kothavalasa, Dist Vizianagaram by Sri B. Sanyasi Rao single handedly with 15 Disabled Students of the surrounding Villages in a rent free old building to serve the poor and disabled children with the help and co-operation of the generous public and the kindhearted Government officials. As time passed on the name and the fame and the free services like free Special Education, free supply of food and shelter of the Chaitanya Institute spread like wild fire to all the north- coastal Districts of Andhra Pradesh and the strength of the Disabled students started increasing Day by Day.
Present status of the Organization
Now the chaitanya institute is a secular, Non-profit making social service organization run by a Registered Society with 12 Executive board members under the overall supervision of the president and under the Direct control of Mr. B. Sanyasi Rao as the Founder and Secretary of the Organization. The organization has been registered under the societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 in the year-1997 and is duly Recognized as one of the premier charitable Non- Governmental organizations of India by the state Govt and the central Govt for its transparent, sincere and dedicated selfless social service to the Disabled persons. The entire administration and all the charitable activities including the free services are carried on as per the collective decision of the president, the secretary and the board Members passed in the Board meeting. The chaitanya institute for the learning Disabled, Kothavalasa at present accommodates106- (61 Mentally Retarded +45 Hearing Impaired) disabled students in suitable Buildings with the Residential Provision for 60 students in the hostel with free food and free shelter facilities. There are 24 dedicated employees including 18 special teachers in the institution working day and night for the welfare of the disabled.
Special educational services are provided in 2 different schools namely special school for the Mentally Retarded and the special school for the Hearing Impaired in the institute . At the time of admission the incoming students particularly the Hearing Impaired are subjected to audio-metre test by electronic equipments to assess about the degree of hearing loss and also for the supply of the suitable Hearing aids. Classes are allotted to the children depending upon their age. Similarly all the Mentally Retarded children are tested in the beginning by the special educators for assessing their present mental growth by comparing their ability to perform the day to day functional activities with the functional activities of the normal children of their age group and then suitable classes are allotted.